Data on the occurrence of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Bolivia were identified in 209 publications. A list of them follows below.
List of publications containing records on lichen biota of Bolivia
Adler, M.T. & S. Calvelo. 2007. Flavoparmelia amplexa and F. springtonensis (Parmeliaceae) new to the Americas and additions to the lichan flora of Argentina. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 121-129.
Ahti, T. 1986. New species and nomenclatural combinations in the lichen genus Cladonia. Annales Botanici Fennici 23(3): 205-220.
Ahti, T. 1997. Cladonia melanopoda, an overlooked Andean lichen. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 32(1): 7-10.
Ahti, T. 2000. Cladoniaceae. Flora Neotropica Monograph 78: 1-362.
Ahti, T. & M.P. Marcelli. 1995. Taxonomy of the Cladonia verticillaris complex in South America. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 58: 5-26.
Ahti, T. & S. Stenroos. 1986. A revision of Cladonia sect. Cocciferae in the Venezuelan Andes. Annales Botanici Fennici 23(3): 229-238.
Almborn, O. 1987. Lichens at high altitudes in Southern Africa. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 25: 401-417.
Almborn, O. 1992. Some overlooked or misidentified species of Teloschistes from South America and a key to the South-American species. Nordic Journal of Botany 12(3): 361-364.
Anze M., G.R. 1996: Líquenes del Valle de La Paz como bioindicatores de contaminación atmosférica. Ecología Bolivia 28: 65-80.
Aptroot, A., M. P. Nelsen & S. Parnmen. 2013. Marcelaria, a new genus for the Laurera purpurina group in the Trypetheliaceae (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes). Glalia 5(2): 1-14.
Arvidsson, L. & S. Wall. 1985. Contribution to the lichens of Madeira. Lichenologist 17(1): 39-49.
Awasthi, D.D. 1975. A monograph of the lichen genus Dirinaria. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 2: 1-108.
Bjerke, J.W. & A. Elvebakk. 2004. Distribution of the lichen genus Flavocetraria (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in the Southern Hemisphere. New Zealand Journal of Botany 42: 647-656.
Brako, L. 1991. Phyllopsora (Bacidiaceae). Flora Neotropica Monograph 55: 1-66.
Breuss, O. 1993. Catapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) species from South America. Plant Systematics and Evolution 185: 17-33.
Brodo, I.M., W.L. Culberson & C.F. Culberson. 2008. Haematomma (Lecanoraceae) in North and Central America, including the West Indies. Bryologist 111(3): 363-423.
Canseco, A.R. Anze & M. Franken. 2006. Comunidades de liquenes: indicadores de la calidad del aire en la ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia. Acta Nova 3(2): 286-307.
Chaves, J.L., R. Lücking, H.J.M. Sipman, L. Umaña & E. Navarro. 2004. A first assessment of the Ticolichen Biodiversity Inventory in Costa Rica: The genus Dictyonema (Polyporales: Atheliaceae). Bryologist 107(2): 242-249.
Culberson, W.L. & C.F. Culberson. 1981. The genera Cetrariastrum and Concamerella (Parmeliaceae): A chemosystematic synopsis. Bryologist 84(3): 273-314.
Degelius, G. 1974. The lichen genus Collema with special reference to the extra-European species. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 22(2): 1-215.
Diederich, P. 1996. The lichenicolous Heterobasidiomycetes. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 61: 1-198.
Diederich, P. 2003. New species and new records of American lichenicolous fungi. Herzogia 16: 41-90.
Diederich, P. & J. Etayo.2000. A synopsis of the genera Skyttea, Llimoniella and Rhymbocarpus (lichenicolous Ascomycota, Leotiales). Lichenologist 32(5): 423-485.
Divakar, P.K., A. Crespo, J. Núñez-Zapata, A. Flakus, H.J.M. Sipman, J.A. Elix & H.T. Lumbsch. 2013.A molecular perspective on generic concepts in the Hypotrachyna clade (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota). Phytotaxa 132(1): 21-38.
Dodge, C.W. 1933. The foliose and fruticose lichens of Costa Rica. I. Annals of the Missouri Botanicla Garden 20(3): 373-467.
Du Rietz, G.E. 1926. Vorarbeiten zu einer Synopsis Lichenum. I. Die Gattungen Alectoria, Oropogon und Cornicularia. Arkiv för Botanik 20A(11): 1-43.
Elix, J.A. & J. Johnston. 1986. New species of Parmelina (lichenised Ascomycotina) from Australia and New Zealand. Brunonia 9: 155-161.
Elix, J.A. & T.H. Nash. 1992: A synopsis of the lichen genus Psiloparmelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). Bryologist 95(4): 377-391.
Esslinger, T.L. 1989. Systematics of Oropogon (Alectoriaceae) in the New World. Systematic Botany Monographs 28: 1-111.
Etayo, J. 2010.Hongos liquenícolas de Perú. Homenaje a Rolf Santesson. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence 61: 83-128.
Etayo, J., A. Flakus & M. Kukwa. 2013a. Niesslia echinoides (Niessliaceae, Ascomycota), a new lichenicolous fungus on Erioderma from Bolivia. Lichenologist 45(1): 21-24.
Etayo, J., A. Flakus & M. Kukwa 2013b. Capronia paranectrioides (Herpotrichiellaceae, Ascomycota), a new lichenicolous fungus from Bolivia. Lichenologist 45(5): 623-626.
Farkas, E. 2010. Notes and schedae to Lichenes Delicati Exsiccati Editae in memoriam Antonín Vězda (1920-2008), Fasc.1. Acta Botanica Hungarica 52(3-4): 331-340.
Fernández-Mendoza, F. & C. Printzen. 2013. Pleistocene expansion of the bipolar lichen Cetraria aculeata into the Southern hemisphere. Molecular Ecology 22: 1961-1983.
Ferraro, L.I. 2002. Contribution to the knowledge of foliicolous lichens of Bolvia. Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg 30-32: 47-48.
Ferraro, L.I. & J.A. Elix. 1993. Two new species of Parmeliaceae (Lichenized Ascomycotina) from South America. Mycotaxon 49: 405-409.
Ferraro, L.I. & R. Lücking & E. Sérusiaux. 2001. A world monograph of the genus Gyalectidium (Gomphillaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 137: 311-345.
Feuerer, T. 1991. Revision der europäischen Arten der Flechtengattung Rhizocarpon mit nichtgelbem Lager und vielzelligen Sporen. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 39: 1-218.
Feuerer, T. (ed.) 2010. Checklists of lichens and lichenicolous fungi. Version 1 June 2010.
Feuerer, T. & H.J.M. Sipman. 2005. Additions to the lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Bolivia. Herzogia 18: 139-144. Download
Feuerer, T & E. Timdal. 2004. Rhizocarpon. In T.H. Nash, C. Gries & F. Bungartz (eds): Lichen flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, volume 2: 446-456. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Feuerer, T., T. Ahti & O. Vitikainen. 1998. Lichenological investigations in Bolivia. In M.P. Marcelli & M.R.D. Seaward (eds): Lichenology in Latin America: History, current knowledge and applications, pp. 71-86. CETESB, Sao Paulo.
Flakus, A. 2008. Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Bolivia. 2. Polish Botanical Journal 53(2): 145-153. Download
Flakus, A. 2009. Aspidothelium lueckingii: a new lichenized fungus from Bolivia. Nova Hedwigia 88(1-2): 139-143.
Flakus, A. 2013. Foliicolous lichenized fungi of lowland Amazon forests in Pando, Bolivia. Polish Botanical Journal 58(2): 539-554.
Flakus, A. & E. Farkas. 2013. A contribution to the taxonomy of Lyromma (Lyrommataceae, lichenized Ascomycota) with a species key. Mycotaxon 124: 127-141.
Flakus, A. & M. Kukwa. 2007. New species and records of Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from South America. Lichenologist 39(5): 463-474.
Flakus, A. & M. Kukwa. 2009. Additions to the biota of lichenized fungi of Poland. Acta Mycologica 44(2): 249-257.
Flakus, A. & M. Kukwa. 2012a. New records of lichenicolous fungi from Bolivia. Opuscula Philolichenum 11: 36-48. Download
Flakus, A. & M. Kukwa. 2012b. New species of lichenicolous fungi from Bolivia. Lichenologist 44(4): 469-477.
Flakus, A. & R. Lücking. 2008. New species and additional records of foliicolous lichenized fungi from Bolivia. Lichenologist 40(5): 423-436.
Flakus, A. & K. Wilk. 2006. Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Bolivia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 99: 307-318.
Flakus, A., M. Kukwa & P. Czarnota. 2006. Some interesting records of lichenized and lichenicolous Ascomycota from South America. Polish Botanical Journal 51(2): 209-215. Download
Flakus, A., T. Ahti, M. Kukwa & K. Wilk. 2008. New and interesting records of Cladonia and their lichenicolous fungi from the Andean cloud forest in Bolivia. Annales Botanici Fennici 45: 448-454. Download
Flakus, A., J.A. Elix, P. Rodriguez & M. Kukwa. 2011a. New species and records of Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from South America. 2. Lichenologist 43(1): 57-66.
Flakus, A., M. Oset, A. Jabłońska, P. Rodriguez Saavedra & M. Kukwa. 2011b. Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Bolivia. 3. Polish Botanical Journal 56(2): 159-183. Download
Flakus, A., P. Rodriguez Saavedra & M. Kukwa. 2012c. A new species and new combinations and records of Hypotrachyna and Remototrachyna from Bolivia. Mycotaxon 119: 157-166.
Flakus A., J. Etayo, U. Schiefelbein, T. Ahti, A. Jabłońska, M. Oset, B. Kerstin, P. Rodriguez Flakus & M. Kukwa. 2012d. Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Bolivia. 4. Polish Botanical Journal 57(2): 427-461.
Flakus, A., H.J.M. Sipman, K. Bach, P. Rodriguez Flakus, K. Knudsen, T. Ahti, U. Schiefelbein, Z. Palice, A. Jabłońska, M. Oset, R.I. Meneses Q. & M. Kukwa. 2013. Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Bolivia. 5. Polish Botanical Journal 58(2): 697-733.
Frey, E. 1936. Die geographische Verbreitung der Umbilicariaceen und einiger alpiner Flechten. Berichte der schweizerischen botanischen Gesellschaft 46: 412-444.
Frödén, P. & I. Kärnefelt. 2007. Two new species of Teloschistes J.M.Norman: T. arabicus and T. inflatus and notes on the Teloschistes flora of Africa. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 183-223.
Frödén, P. & L. Lindblom. 2003. Josefpoeltia parva, a new combination in Josefpoeltia (Teloschistaceae). Bryologist 106(3): 447-450.
Galloway, D.J. 1989. Nomenclatural notes on Pseudocyphellaria IV: Some South American taxa. Lichenologist 21: 88-89.
Galloway, D.J. 2002. Taxonomic notes on the lichen genus Placopsis (Agyriaceae: Ascomycota) in southern South America, with a key to species. Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg 30-32: 79-107.
Galloway, D.J. 2005. Placopsis fusciduloides (Ascomycota: Agyriaceae), a new lichen from Aotearoa New Zealand, British Columbia, and Bolivia. Australasian Lichenology 57: 16-19.
Galloway, D.J. 2010. Additions to the Placopsis mycobiota (Trapeliaceae, Ascomycota) of southern South America, with notes on new records (including Aspiciliopsis macrophthalma), and a revised regional key to the species. Lichenologist 42(6): 727-737.
Galloway, D.J. & L. Arvidsson. 1990. Studies in Pseudocyphellaria (Lichens) II. Ecuadorean species. Lichenologist 22(2): 103-135.
Galloway, D.J. & L. Arvidsson. 2007. Notes on Placopsis (Ascomycota: Trapeliaceae) in Ecuador. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 96: 87-102.
Geyer, M., T. Feuerer & G.B. Feige. 1984. Chemie und Systematik in der Flechtengattung Rhizocarpon: Hochdruckflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC) der Flechten-Sekundärstoffe der Rhizocarpon superficiale-Gruppe. Plant Systematic and Evolution 145: 41-54.
Gierl, C. & K. Kalb. 1993. Die Flechtengattung Dibaeis. Eine Übersicht über die rosafrüchtigen Arten von Baeomyces sens. lat. nebst Anmerkungen zu Phyllobaeis gen. nov. Herzogia 9: 593-645.
Guderley, R. 1999.Die Lecanora subfusca-Gruppe in Süd- und Mittelamerika. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 87: 131-257.
Gyelnik, V. 1930. Lichenes nonnulli novae criticique. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne 68: 269-270.
Hafellner, J. 1981. Monographie der Flechtengattung Letrouitia (Lecanorales, Teloschistineae). Nova Hedwigia 35: 645-729.
Hafellner, J. & W. Obermayer. 1995. Cercidospora trypetheliza und einige weitere lichenicole Ascomyceten auf Arthrorhaphis. Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie 16(3): 177-190.
Hafellner, J. & J. Poelt. 1979. Die Arten der Gattung Caloplaca mit pluriloculären Sporen (Meroplacis, Triophthalmidium, Xanthocarpia). Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 46: 1-41.
Hale, M.E. 1965. A monograph of Parmelia subgenus Amphigymnia. Contribution from the United States National Herbarium 36(5): 193-358.
Hale, M.E. 1968. A synopsis of the lichen genus Pseudevernia. Bryologist 71(1): 1-11.
Hale, M.E. 1975: A revision of the lichen genus Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae) in tropical America. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 25: 1-73.
Hale, M.E. 1976. A monograph of the lichen genus Pseudoparmelia Lynge (Parmeliaceae). Smithsonian Contribtions to Botany 31: 1-62.
Hale, M.E. 1989. A new lichen genus, Psiloparmelia Hale (Ascomycotina: Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon 35(1): 41-44.
Hale, M.E. 1990. A synopsis of the lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Vainio) Hale (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 74: 1-250.
Hale, M.E. & S. Kurokawa. 1964. Studies on Parmelia subgenus Parmelia. Contribution from the United State National Herbarium 36(4): 121-191.
Harris, R.C. 1995. More Florida lichens. Including the 10ø Tour of the Pyrenolichens. Publ. by the Author. Bronx, N.Y. 192 p.
Hasse, H.E. 1916. The Lichen Flora of Southern California. Smithsonian Institution 17: 1-647.
Hasselroth, T.E. 1953. Nordliga lavar i syd-och Mellansverige. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 33: 1-200.
Hawksworth, D.L. 1972. Regional Studies in Alectoria (Lichenes) II. The British Species. Lichenologist 5: 181-261.
Hawksworth, D.L. & R. Santesson. 1990. A revision of the lichenicolous fungi previously referred to Phragmonaevia. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 38: 121-143
Herre, A.W.C.T. 1960. Notes on some exotic Usneas with descriptions of two new species. Bryologist 63(3): 188-192.
Herrera-Campos, M.A., T.H. Nash III & A. Zambrano Garcia. 2001. Preliminary study of the Usnea fragilescens aggregate in Mexico. Bryologist 104(2): 235-259.
Hertel, H. 1971. Über holarktische Krustenflechten aus den venezuelanischen Anden. Willdenowia 6(2): 225-272.
Hertel, H. 2007. Notes on and records of Southern Hemisphere lecideoid lichens. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 267-296.
Herzog, T. 1922: Beitrag zur Flechtenflora von Bolivia. Hedwigia 63: 263-268.
Herzog, T. 1923: Die Pflanzenwelt der bolivianischen Anden und ihres östlichen Vorlandes. In A. Engler & O. Drude (eds): Die Vegetation der Erde, volume XV. Leipzig. 258 p.
Hestmark, G. 2009. New observations and records for Umbilicaria (Umbilicariaceae) in Bolivia. Bryologist 112(4): 833-838.
Hue, A. 1910. Lichenes morphologice et anatomice. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris 5(2): 1-120.
Huovinen, K. & T. Ahti. 1986. The composition and contents of aromatic lichen substances in Cladonia, section Unciales. Annales Botanici Fennici 23(3): 173-188.
Jørgensen, P.M. 1975. Contributions to a monograph of the Mallotium-hairy Leptogium species. Herzogia 3: 433-460.
Jørgensen, P.M. 1997. Further notes on hairy Leptogium species. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 32(1): 113-130.
Jørgensen, P.M. & L. Arvidsson. 2002. The lichen genus Erioderma (Pannariaceae) in Ecuador and neighbouring countries. Nordic Journal of Botany 22(1): 87-114.
Kalb, K., B. Staiger & J.A. Elix. 2004. A monograph of the lichen genus Diorygma – a first attempt. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 34(1): 133-181.
Kalb, K., N. Staiger & B. Staiger. 2000. Dyplolabia Massalongo Monographie einer vergessenen Flechtengattung. Hoppea; Denkschriften der Regensburgischen botanischen Gesellschaft. Regensburg 61: 409-422.
Kalb, K., B. Staiger, J.A. Elix, U. Lange & H.T. Lumbsch. 2008. A new circumscription of the genus Ramboldia (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) based on morphological and molecular evidence. Nova Hedwigia 86(1-2): 23-42.
Kantvilas, G. 1998. Studies on the lichen genus Siphula in Tasmania II. The S. decumbens group. Herzogia 13: 119-138.
Kärnefelt, I. 1990. Evidence of a slow evolutionary change in the speciation of lichens. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 38: 291-306.
Knoph, J.G. & Ch. Leuckert. 1994. Chemotaxonomic studies in the saxicolous species of the lichen genus Lecidella (Lecanorales, Lecanoraceae) in America. Nova Hedwigia 59(3-4): 455-508.
Knudsen, K. 2007. Acarospora. In T. H. Nash, C. Gries, & F. Bungartz (eds): Lichen flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, volume 3: 1-38. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Knudsen, K. & A. Flakus. 2009. Acarospora ramosa (Acarosporaceae), a new effigurate yellow species from South America. Nova Hedwigia 89(3-4): 349-353.
Knudsen, K., A. Flakus & M. Kukwa. 2012. A contribution to the study of Acarosporaceae in South America. Lichenologist 44(2): 253-262.
Knudsen, K., J.A. Elix & V. Reeb. 2008. A Preliminary Study of the Genera Acarospora and Pleopsidium in South America. Opuscula Philolichenum 5: 1-22. Download
Kondratyuk, S.Y. & D.J. Galloway. 1995. Lichenicolous fungi and chemical patterns in Pseudocyphellaria. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 57: 327-345.
Kondratyuk, S. & I. Kärnefelt. 1997. Josefpoeltia and Xanthomendoza, two new genera in the Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycotina). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 68: 19-44.
Krempelhuber, A.V. 1868. Exotische Flechten aus dem Herbar des K.K. botanischen Hofkabinetes in Wien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen zoologisch – botanischen Gesellschaft 18: 303-330.
Krzewicka, B. 2010. Umbilicaria rhizinata comb. nov. (lichenized Ascomycota). Lichenologist 42(4): 491-493.
Krzewicka, B. & A. Flakus. 2010. New records of the genus Umbilicaria (Umbilicariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from Bolivia. Cryptogamie Mycologie 31(4): 441-451.
Krzewicka, B. & K. Wilk. 2009. Umbilicaria isidiosa (lichenized Ascomycota), a new species from Bolivia. Mycotaxon 109: 165-170.
Kukwa, M. & A. Flakus. 2009. Lepraria glaucosorediata sp. nov. (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) and other interesting records of Lepraria. Mycotaxon 108: 353-364.
Kukwa, M. & S. Pérez-Ortega. 2010. A second species of Botryolepraria from the Neotropics and the phylogenetic placement of the genus within Ascomycota. Mycologycal Progress 9(3): 345-351.
Kukwa, M., J. Etayo & A. Flakus. 2012a. Plectocarpon stereocaulicola (Roccellaceae, Ascomycota), a new lichenicolous fungus from Bolivia. Lichenologist 44(4): 479-482.
Kukwa, M., K. Bach, H. J. M. Sipman & A. Flakus. 2012b. Thirty-six species of the lichen genus Parmotrema (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) new to Bolivia. Polish Botanical Journal 57(1): 243-257.
Kukwa, M., U. Schiefelbein & A. Flakus. 2013. A contribution to the lichen family Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) of Bolivia. Herzogia 26(2): 231-252.
Kukwa, M., P. Rodriguez Flakus & A. Flakus. 2013b. Notes on the lichen genus Ochrolechia in Bolivia. Polish Botanical Journal 58(2): 691-695.
Kurokawa, S. 1962. A monograph of the genus Anaptychia. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 6: 1-115.
Lamb, I.M. 1938. A review of the genus Neuropogon (Nees & Flot.) Nyl., with special reference to the Antartic species. The Journal of the Linnean Society Botany 52: 199-237.
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Lawrey, J.D., R. Lücking, H.J.M. Sipman, J.L. Chaves, S.A. Redhead, F. Bungartz, M. Sikaroodi & P.M. Gillevet. 2009. High concentration of basidiolichens in a single family of agaricoid mushrooms (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae). Mycological Research 113: 1154-1171.
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Lücking, R., A. Aptroot, J.L. Chaves, H.J.M. Sipman & L. Umaña. 2007. A first assessment of the Ticolichen biodiversity inventory in Costa Rica: the genus Coccocarpia (Peltigerales: Coccocarpiaceae). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 429-457.
Lücking, R., E. Rivas Plata, A. Mangold, H.J.M. Sipman, A. Aptroot, R.M. González, K. Kalb, J.L. Chaves, N. Ventura & R.E. Esquivel. 2011. Natural history of Nash's Pore Lichens, Trinathotrema (Ascomycota: Ostropales: Stictidaceae). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 106: 187-210.
Lumbsch H.T., R. Guderley & J.A. Elix. 1996. A revision of some species in Lecanora Sensu Stricto with a dark hypothecium (Lecanorales, Ascomycotina). Bryologist 99(3): 269-291.
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Malme, G.O.A. 1924. Die Collematazeen des Regnellschen Herbars. Arkiv för Botanik 19(8): 1-29.
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Marbach, B. 2000. Corticole und lignicole Arten der Flechtengattung Buellia sensu lato in den Subtropen und Tropen. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 74: 1-384.
Mayrhofer, H. 1987. Monographie der Flechtengattung Thelenella. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 26: 1-106.
Mayrhofer, H., J. W. Sheard, M.C. Grassler & J.A. Elix. 2001. Rinodina intermedia (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes): A well-characterized species with submuriform Ascospores. Bryologist 104(3): 456-463.
Menhofer, X. 1992. Die Vegetation des Wohngebietes der Kallawaya und des Hochlandes von Ulla Ulla in den bolivianischen Anden. Teil II. Phytocoenologia 20(3): 289-438.
Messuti, M.I. & G. Vobis. 2003. Additions to the Lichen Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Bryologist 106(4): 596-598.
Moberg, R. 1990. The lichen genus Physcia in Central and South America. Nordic Journal of Botany 10: 319-342.
Moberg, R. 2011. The lichen genus Heterodermia (Physciaceae) in South America - a contribution including five new species. Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 129-147.
Moncada, B. & R. Lücking. 2012. Ten new species of Sticta and counting: Colombia as a hot spot for unrecognized diversification in a conspicuous macrolichen genus. Phytotaxa 74: 1-29.
Moncada, B., R. Lücking & L. Betancourt-Macuase. 2013. Phylogeny of the Lobariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales), with a reappraisal of the genus Lobariella. Lichenologist 45(2): 203-263.
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List of relevant publications
Ibisch, P. L. & G. Mérida (eds.). 2004. Biodiversity: the richness of Bolivia. State of knowledge and conservation. Ministry of Sustainable Development. Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Josse, C., G. Navarro, P. Comer, R. Evans, D. Faber-Langendoen, M. Fellows, G. Kittel, S. Menard, M. Pyne, M. Reid, K. Schulz, K. Snow & J. Teague. 2003. Ecological Systems of Latin America and the Caribbean: A Working Classification of Terrestrial Systems. Nature-Serve, Arlington.
Lücking, R. 2008. How many tropical lichens are there – really? The IAL 6th Meeting Lichens in the New World, July 2008, Asilomar (USA). Poster abstract.
Lücking, R., E. Rivas Plata, J.L. Chaves, L. Umaña & H.J.M. Sipman. 2009: How many tropical lichens are there really?. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 100: 399-418.
Morales, E.A., R. Lücking, & R. Anze. 2009. Una introducción al estudio de los líquenes de Bolivia. Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo. Serie Ecología No. 1: 1-58.
Navarro, G. & M. Maldonado. 2002. Geografía ecológica de Bolivia: vegetación y ambientes acuáticos. Centro de Ecología Difusíon Simón I. Patiño, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
© 2010 by Adam Flakus, under the LIDER Programme supported by the NCBiR in Poland,
Laboratory of Lichenology, W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS, Lubicz 46, PL-31-512 Krakow